Disability Lawyers – Abbotsford

chris-bungay-vancouver-personal-injury-lawyer-CAN-ICBC-FORCE-YOU-TO-SEE-A-DOCTOR?Bungay Law is an Abbotsford based law firm with expertise in LTD – insurance disability claims. Since 2004, our experienced team has been helping the people of Abbotsford fight to win disability benefits. No matter why you are off work, our disability lawyers can help you win your case.

Many law firms do not have a specialty. Some larger firms do 10 or more different types of law. Bungay Law has the advantage of specializing in only one thing: Fighting insurance companies for people like you.

Our lawyers are trained to know how insurance companies think and act. We know, for example, that insurance companies have a bottom line of making money. They lose money by paying out claims like yours. We also know, through experience, that insurance companies tick off boxes whenever a claim is submitted. If any wiggle room is left for them to deny your claim, the insurance company will wiggle and deny your rights.

Our experienced disability lawyers help you build a case that is bulletproof. In other words, we present your case in such a way that the insurance company cannot tick off any boxes to say “no”.

Abbotsford Disability Claims Lawyers
Call us today for a free consultation 604-621-4431
We also have offices in Vancouver and Surrey:
Vancouver Disability LawyersSurrey Disability Lawyers

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What can our disability lawyers do for you? Offering Free Advice

Our trained disability lawyers can offer you a free consultation about your case. By phone, or in person, one of our lawyers will listen to your concerns and look at the evidence with you. We review your records with you and help you understand why your claim is being denied. Together, with your help, we try and find a way to move forward together and find a solution to get your benefits.

More Information: Abbotsford Disability Claims Lawyers

Protecting you from insurance agents

abbotsford disability lawyer - insurance claim rejectionAt Bungay Law, our experienced team of disability lawyers makes sure you are protected from investigations and questions from insurance agents. Most people who apply for LTD benefits must speak regularly with an insurance agent over the phone. The agent asks questions about your life and your health. What many people do not realize is that the insurance agent, when having these conversations, is looking for reasons to deny your claim. The way you say something over the phone can easily be misinterpreted by an insurance company employee. Things like this can lead to your LTD claim being denied.

When we take on your case, our disability lawyer takes charge of all communications and conversations with the insurance company. You will no longer be subjected to ongoing phone calls and questioning from the insurance company. Any communications go directly through one of our disability lawyers. In this way, we ensure that the insurance company cannot mislead you with questioning or make any mistakes about your health information. This also allows you to focus on your recovery without the added stress and anxiety of having to speak regularly with the insurance company.

Investigating your insurance file: we learn their secrets

One of the ways we find solutions is by obtaining your full insurance company file. Your insurance company does not want you to see all of your files. They would prefer it to be kept a secret from you. In that file, the adjuster or agent on your case records notes about you and your claim. By getting your file, our disability lawyers can see what the agent is thinking, and why they said “no”. By understanding why they said, “no”, we then work to get missing evidence to turn that “no” into a “yes” to pay your claim.

More Information: Abbotsford Disability Settlement Lawyers

Helping the Medical System work for you

doctor helping disabled woman - injury lawyers abbotsfordAnother way we can help is by getting the medical system onboard with your case. Often, one of the difficulties faced by people like you is a lack of support from the medical system. This is often not intentional. Doctors are busy, and many people have sometimes seen a large number of doctors about their disability. Often, these doctors have not submitted the necessary paperwork for your claim to be approved. Some of these healthcare professionals may not understand how to correctly fill out the insurance companies’ forms. Bungay Law understands how to speak to medical doctors. We use our experience to make sure your medical file is complete. We also try to help the doctors caring for you to appreciate how important their work is with respect to your disability claim.

Common Questions about Disability Lawyers

If I hire a lawyer, does that mean I have to go to Court?

Just because you hire a lawyer does not mean you are going to Court. Most of the time, no Court is involved whatsoever in your case. Our disability lawyer can usually negotiate a settlement for you without ever stepping into a courtroom.

Lawyers are expensive, how can I afford to hire a lawyer?

At our law firm, we never ask any client to give us money upfront. All of our fees are only taken out from a settlement at the end of your case, and only if you win your case. In other words, there are no fees for the initial consultation, and no fees after that unless you win your case.

Can hiring a disability lawyer really increase my chances of winning my LTD claim?

Hiring an experienced disability lawyer greatly increases your chances of getting LTD benefits. Generally, insurance companies take Bungay Law seriously. They know when we are on the case that you mean business. By hiring Bungay Law, you tell the insurance company that you are to be taken seriously. The insurance companies know we will fight to the end to get your benefits approved.

Hiring Bungay Law – A Good Choice?

We believe that hiring our firm to help you will be a great choice. Our entire reputation is based upon helping those who are injured and disabled. We take great pride in never working for insurance companies. All of our work is 100% against insurance companies and helping those who are being denied benefits.

More Information: Abbotsford Disability Appeals Lawyers

Abbotsford Disability Claims Lawyers
Call us today for a free consultation 604-621-4431
We also have offices in Vancouver and Surrey:
Vancouver Disability LawyersSurrey Disability Lawyers

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