Pain and Suffering Settlements

ICBC Pain and Suffering – You are entitled to compensation

For the past 13 years, we have helped people throughout Abbotsford and the Fraser Valley to get money from ICBC for their pain and suffering. If you have been injured in a car accident, and your personal life is affected, you are entitled to financial compensation for the pain you have endured. Please call us and tell us about your pain and discomfort. We can lead you to a financial reward for these problems. 

Contact us today for a free consultation 
Clearbrook Plaza, Suite 260 – 2655 Clearbrook Road, Abbotsford
13+ years experience in ICBC pain & suffering settlements
Abbotsford, Surrey & Vancouver

ICBC Injury Claims – Car Accident Injury Law… it’s all that we do

contact us - bungay law office

MORE INFORMATION: see our Abbotsford car accident lawyer page

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What is ICBC pain and suffering?

“Pain and Suffering” is actually a legal term that refers to a certain way you have been personally damaged by a car accident. In the legal world, “pain and suffering” is a reference to the ways the car accident has limited your ability to enjoy life. For example, if you are unable to exercise because of your ICBC claim, this is a form of pain and suffering. Other examples of pain and suffering include difficulties in your relationships (your spouse, family, cannot play with your kids) because of your pain. Generally, if you are limited in any way because of your pain, and your life is negatively affected, this is “pain and suffering”. ICBC must compensate you for this pain and suffering.

How much is my pain and suffering worth?

A question we are often asked is “How much should ICBC pay for my pain and suffering?”. This is a very good question. The amount of your ICBC pain and suffering depends on many factors. One important factor is how long your suffering lasts. The longer you have the pain and suffering, the more money you should get. The same goes for if your pain and suffering are forecasted to last into the future. You should get more money from ICBC if the evidence shows your pain is not going to go away.

When trying to put a value on your pain, another thing ICBC looks at is just how limited you are. The more pain you have, and the more things you cannot do, the more money you get. For example, if your pain prevents you from doing most of your daily activities, the award you get could be large. However, even if your limitations are less serious, you are still entitled to be paid by ICBC. If an accident limits your life in any way (even in a minor way) this can and should be compensated with an ICBC pain and suffering award. 

Keep a record of your pain and sufferingicbc pain suffering settlement abbotsford bc

It is very important to keep a record of your pain and suffering. Some kind of written record is important because, over time, you are going to get used to your pain and limitations. You may forget just how many things you could do before your accident. This kind of evidence is very useful when we are arguing with ICBC about just how much money you should get.

The record you keep does not have to be anything too complex. All you need to do is take some regular notes about the ways the car accident has affected your life. This can be as simple as a paragraph a week summarizing your pain and limitations. Even an email to yourself every once in awhile writing out your thoughts and feeling about your pain can be helpful. The idea is to keep a very brief record of what is happening in your life. This way, you can make sure ICBC knows just what you have been going through because of your car accident. 

Common types of ICBC pain and suffering claims

chris bungay abbotsford car accident lawyerEven though every case is different, there are some common types of ICBC pain and suffering cases.  These can be roughly summarized as follows:

Minor Soft Tissue Injuries:
A minor soft tissue injury is usually an injury to the muscles of the neck or back that lasts for three to six months. This kind of injury is often characterized by aches and pains which are worse in the first few weeks, and then gradually get better with some treatment. We do take cases like this, and we do get ICBC pain and suffering awards for these minor injuries. If your injuries are modest, ICBC may pay you nothing if you do not have a lawyer. At the very least, even if think your injuries are minor, talk to us before you settle. We can give you free advice to make sure you are getting fair pain and suffering awards.

Minor Injuries that become more serious:
Many people come to see us initially and believe their injuries are minor. They may be limited and sore in the first few days after the accident, and they assume these problems will go away. However, injuries can take time to develop. Perhaps over the next few weeks and months, the problems get more serious, and the injured person’s pain and suffering increases. ICBC pain and suffering awards increase in value when injuries cause more pain and limitations over time. 

Moderate Injuries:
These kinds of injuries cause ongoing, longer-lasting pain and suffering. The injured person may miss some work and then go back to work (while continuing to have pain). The injured person with a moderate claim can still do some activities but other activities are very restricted. Moderate injuries often have life-long effects, and as such, the ICBC pain and suffering awards can be larger for these types of injuries.

Serious Injuries:
These types of injuries result in the biggest ICBC pain and suffering awards. “Serious injuries” are a very broad category that includes everything from major soft tissue injuries to broken bones and spinal problems. ICBC Pain and suffering awards for serious injuries can range anywhere from $100,000-$300,000.  Most often, people with these types of injuries have difficulty working, which means that ICBC will also pay them larger amounts of money for their inability to work. This is money paid on top of the pain and suffering award. 

abbotsford icbc claims lawyer scales of justice

Contact us today for a free consultation
Clearbrook Plaza, Suite 260 – 2655 Clearbrook Road, Abbotsford
13+ years experience in ICBC pain & suffering settlements
Abbotsford, Surrey & Vancouver

ICBC Injury Claims – Car Accident Injury Law… it’s all that we do

contact us - bungay law office
Click for Google map: driving, transit & walking directions

